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Whoever controls the media—the images—controls the culture. Allen Ginsberg

Anything and everything you wanted to know about online and offline magazines, what's in the news and on the radio, and the publishing of the latest and greatest newsworthy items can be found in this category.


Access ET

Online version of the Electronic Telegraphy, a United Kingdom newspaper. Presents European and international stories. Offers information that has a different slant. Registration is required.

Acoustic Musician Magazine

Online edition of the Acoustic Musician magazine. Covers all aspects of acoustic music for the folk musician. Features articles, a music festival guide, the table of contents for the forthcoming issue, and a place to submit letters to the editor. Also presents covers of back issues.

Adventure Online Gaming

Monthly fantasy fiction Web magazine featuring original art and fiction. Includes exciting interactive graphical hypertext adventures. Describes a human and computer refereed true role-playing game. Features intelligent talking monsters, multiple players, 3D graphics, and advanced chat.

Advertising Age

Presents images for viewing. Contains archives, ad market information, and a daily top story. Enables you to join the AdAge mailing list.

American Wine

American Wine magazine online. Focuses on American vineyards and their products. Features in-depth listings of wine and wine-related links. Also includes the complete text of the magazine, a wine glossary, and a beginners guide to wine.

Architronic Home Page

Architectural magazine online. Includes archives of past issues and subscription information.

Asia, Inc. Online

Business magazine from Asia online. Includes financial news, the Asia Report, and other information for Asian business people.

Astronomer Magazine

A British publication online. Targets the advanced amateur but does contain items for the beginner. Also contains information on comets, asteroids, supernovae, and a variety of other topics that pertain to astronomy.


Online quarterly journal of film, architecture, philosophy, literature, music, and perception.

Boardwatch Magazine

Boardwatch magazine online. Focuses on BBSs and the Internet. Provides subscription information (offers the entire publication free online), and enables you to contact the specific departments or editors of the magazine.

Car Collector Home Page

Car Collector magazine online. Features back issues, advertising information, subscription information, and automotive news.

Chicago Moving Image Scene

Serves as a resource for media people in Chicago and around the world. Includes links, phone numbers, and information about media production.

Cyber Cyclist

Web magazine for bicyclists. Includes information about bikes, product reviews, current bicycle events, and other news.


The Air Force online in the form of a magazine. Interesting for military personnel and buffs. Provides information about news and events in the Air Force.

Dirty Linen

Abridged edition of top American magazine for folk, electric folk, Celtic, and world music. Features a selection of articles, reviews, interviews, and letters to the editor from the current issue. Also includes a guide to concerts and festivals.

Discover Magazine

Discover magazine online. Science magazine including text of issues, photos, links related to articles, and a subscription service.

Editor & Publisher

Editor & Publisher magazine online. Offers selected articles from the printed version of the magazine, as well as Web-only content. Offers comprehensive coverage of new media news and trends affecting the newspaper industry.

Electronic Green Journal

Environmental journal online. Contains information about environmental issues. Also lists the contents of the recent issues of the journal.

Electronic Newsstand

Offers sample articles and subscription information for more than 300 magazines.


An interactive service provided by the publishing operations of Esquire Magazine.

Felix Culpa Home Page

Australian student magazine. Provides information geared towards Australian students. Features news, community events, and other school-related issues.

FH: Canada Travel Home Page

Canada Travel magazine online. Provides information about travel to Canada. Offers information the traveler will want while planing a trip to Canada.

Fix—Funkier Than Blown Vinyl

Exemplifies twenty-somethings on the Net. Resembles a coffee shop—somewhat pretentious and smoke-filled, frequently raunchy, but interesting nonetheless.

Folk Roots Home Page

Condensed, electronic version of Folk Roots. Features their guide to folk and world music events in Britain and Europe, CD reviews, charts and lists of best selling music, a play list from Folk Routes radio program on the BBC World Service, a complete table of contents from the current issue, and much more.

Fortran Journal

Fortran Journal online. Includes simple form to order the magazine and an in-depth description of the magazine.—Index

.net magazine online. Covers Internet-related topics. Features their news page. Provides an Internet tutorial, job listings, and back issues. Also provides articles online that don't appear in the published magazine.


Presents an arts and entertainment Web magazine with departments for film, TV, music, books, theater, photography, food and restaurants, and more. Includes celebrity interviews with actors, musicians, authors, playwrights, directors, and photographers.

Glass Wings: Sensual Celebrations

Online magazine. Focuses on the sensual side of humanity.

Good Medicine Magazine

Good Medicine Magazine online. Provides stories and information, such as guided imagery, holistic skin and body care, Reiki (energy healing), and network chiropractic. Proposes that holistic and traditional Western medicine should be combined and considered together as "medicine."

Great Lakes Skier Magazine

Skiing magazine online. Includes articles and contact information for a subscription. Includes a few skiing links.

Interactive Age Home Page

Interactive Age Magazine online. Focuses on tracking electronic Commerce. Enables you to contact the magazine staff, find out the 100 best business Web sites, use their hot link section, or look at their traffic analysis of the most visited Internet sites. Also features daily articles online for registered users.

InterText: The Online Fiction Magazine

Monthly online fiction magazine. Contains short stories. Features five authors whose work has been published in this magazine and have won awards.

JEST Home Page

JEST (Journal of Extraneous Scientific Topics) online. Includes very humorous looks at science.

Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc.

Offers links to Knowledge Industry's magazines: AV Video, Multimedia Producer, and Tape/Disc Business. Also contains sports links to companies in the audio visual and multimedia fields.

LIFE Photo Home Page

The magazine that pioneered photojournalism has re-imaged itself for cyberspace. A visually stunning site that includes many images.

Living Poets, EJournal Home Page

Online magazine. Presents new poetry on the Web.

Logical Alternative—Front Door

Online magazine that targets multimedia authors. Contains reviews, tips, and other information.

MacNet Journal

Contains MacNet Journal. Enables you to suggest ideas on improving the Macintosh operating system, peruse a free help wanted page, obtain guidelines for submitting articles, and search past issues. Also enables you to browse the current issue or subscribe (it's free).

MacWorld Online Web Server

MacWorld online. Enables you to search past issues and read articles. Also provides Internet tips.

Mercury Center Home Page

The San Jose Mercury online. Offers in-depth coverage of news events and utilizes hypertext links within stories.

Millennium Whole Earth Catalog

A limited edition of Howard Rheingold's Whole Earth Catalog online. Provides many online excerpts from the catalog book.


Electronic magazine. Focuses on multimedia and design. Provides much information about current and future multimedia trends.

Mobilia Magazine

Mobilia magazine online. Focuses on the worlds of motoring and collecting. Enables you to read it online and offers subscription information. Includes a classified ad section.

MoJo Wire

Mother Jones online. Provides insightful information with a Mother Jones slant.

Motorcycle Online

Online magazine. Covers all aspects of motorcycles. Includes new model reviews, daily news, technical help, pictures, and tours.

Muse Magazine

Online magazine. Focuses on women in music. Features CD reviews, book reviews, and the full text of the magazine.

Net Traveler

Contains Net Traveler magazine. Provides information about their list of sites and tools. Offers links to brand new things to hit the Internet. Includes a collection of links to sites of importance, as well as a files archive.

Oceanography—The Magazine

Does not contain full text versions of the articles, but does list the table of contents and biography information about editors of the magazine.

Online Educator

Offers lesson plans, sample articles from the Online Educator magazine, and many other resources. Offers the magazine itself for subscription in both print and electronic forms.

Outside Online

Offers sections on news, going places, activities, and gear for the outdoor enthusiast.

Penthouse on the Internet

Penthouse online. Features an Internet edition of the magazine and contains many images. Also includes an erotic toy store.


Monthly liberal magazine from Harvard University. Recent issues have focused on the Web.

Playboy Home Page

Playboy magazine online. Includes interviews, reviews, and a Playboy forum.

PM Zone

Popular Mechanics online. Provides movies, pictures, and information about new and useful products and technology.

Positive Planet

Presents Positive Planet magazine and dateline. Features many personal ads from around the world. Also includes a techno-sexual dating magazine.

PowerPC News

Online biweekly magazine. Features current news about major companies that produce PowerPC microprocessors, software that runs on the PowerPC chip, and products that incorporate the chip. Enables you to sign up for an e-mail version of the magazine.

Redundantly, Online

Presents online version of the printed literary magazine. Concentrates on multimedia and using cyberspace creatively. The print version focuses on the humanities.

Scripps Howard Home Page

Presents the media giant on the Web. Scripps Howard owns 18 daily newspapers, 9 TV stations, and a host of other stuff you might want to check out.

Sea Frontiers

Oceanography journal online. Contains full-text versions of articles from recent editions.

Serif: The Magazine of Type & Typography

Online magazine that targets the desktop publisher. Features sample articles, subscription information, and desktop publishing links on the Internet.

South Carolina Point

Provides online site for South Carolina Point news monthly. Includes current and back issues along with contact information.

Tharunka Home

Australian university student magazine. Offers a different angle on the news (often quite funny).

Travel Weekly

Travel Weekly online. Serves the travel agency community in the U.S. and internationally. Includes feature travel-related articles and news. Also offers hundreds of links to sites associated with hotels, airlines, cruises, car rentals, railroads, and tour operators.

TravelASSIST Magazine

Online magazine. Contains articles on travel and travel spots around the United States and the world. Includes back issues for online reading.

Typofile Magazine—Home

Online magazine. Focuses on type and its uses. Includes articles and links to other type and desktop publishing sites.

UNIX News International

Contains the current issue of UNIX News International, a monthly publication about UNIX systems.

UT Science Bytes

Online hypertext magazine. Focuses on UT scientists' research projects. Describes the projects at a level appropriate for elementary school students and links any unfamiliar words or concepts to a definition or explanation.

Videomaker's Camcorder & Desktop Video Site

Videomaker magazine online. Includes a product search engine, back issues, and other information about camcorders and video.

Wave~Length Paddling Network

Kayaking and Paddling magazine online. Includes archives of past articles and current issues with pictures.

Welcome to Computer Shopper

Provides an online edition of the current Computer Shopper magazine. Enables you to search through the advertisers for the lost prices on computer components, or browse through current and past articles.

Welcome To HotWired!

Wired! online. Includes information not found in the paper version of the magazine. Offers many links.

Welcome to Infobahn Magazine

Contains Infobahn magazine, a publication devoted to covering the Internet from a cultural point of view. Enables you to sign up for a free trial issue, contact the editors, get advertising information and prices, and find out how to submit articles.

Welcome to Pathfinder

Time Warner's site. Offers links to Time online, Sports Illustrated online, Money Magazine online, and more.

Welcome to ZD Net

Ziff-Davis publishes many computer magazines. Provides articles and information about computers, as well as links to other Ziff-Davis publications, including PC Magazine, PC Week, Mac Week, Mac User, Computer Life, and more.

Where the Buffalo Roam

Presents a cartoon published weekly on the Web. Provides cartoons published in the last five weeks. Tells fans about ordering books and T-shirts.


American Reporter

Associated Press

The Associated Press online. Requires free login, but then offers full access to the AP news wires.

FCC Welcome Page

Federal Communications Commission online. Serves as a forum for public discussion concerning FCC issues (including broadcasting). Contains current legislation, full text of relevant speeches, agenda, and the FCC daily digest. Also lists of e-mail addresses to which to send comments and concerns about television.


Provides news summaries about business, sports, and headlines. Features industry spotlights for the business surfer.

International Pages

The Dutch public broadcasting system's Web site. Includes program information and other information about the Netherlands.

Internet Disaster Information Center

Offers information about ongoing disasters, historical information about disasters, and links to other disaster sites on the Web.


Provides information on information retrieval from online libraries.

NewsLink Menu

Offers a free service that provides access to many online newspapers, periodicals, and so on, around the world every day.

NJ Online Weather

The Old Farmers Almanac online. Includes weather forecasts for the United States, helpful tips, and other information—just like the hard copy.

NOS TeleTekst

Dutch Broadcasting Service. Provides an interface to news and other information off the Dutch wire services. Includes English menus but provides the articles in Dutch.


Provides a free daily news service designed to quickly and concisely deliver coverage of events around the world as they happen (uncensored news, straight from the source and original point of view). Provides many links to other news services.

RadioSpace Home Page

Serves as a resource for radio station programming and news staffs. Provides ready-for-broadcast sound bites, news, and programming.

RealAudio: ABC News

Offers ABC Radio news, available with the RealAudio player. Enables you to download audio files of daily and hourly news broadcasts.

South African Broadcasting Corporation Welcome Page

South African Broadcasting online. Provides many phone numbers and other information. Includes sports scores and news services.

Time Daily News Summary

Provides one paragraph summaries of current stories and provides a searching engine you can use for a more in-depth look.


In these times we fight for ideas, and newspapers are our fortresses.

Heinrich Heine

Campus Newspapers on the Internet

Lists student newspapers available on the Internet. Includes listings for dailies, weeklies, and less frequent publications.

The Capital

Online site for the daily newspaper for the Anapolis, Maryland area. Provides a supplemental net version of the paper update five to six times a week. Includes links and area background of the area.

City Paper

Provides online interactive newspaper for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Includes local news and events for the Philadelphia metropolitan area. A good place to check if you are looking for entertainment and art in Philly.

Gazeta Wyborcza

Presents Gazette Online, an electronic version of Poland's largest daily newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza.

Hastings Tribune Internet Edition

Nebraska' first online newspaper. Links to news, sports, major stories, subscriber info, comics, want ads, and other info and back issues. Includes color graphics.

Indianapolis Star and News

The current editions of the Indianapolis Star and the Indianapolis News. Access to sports, weather, local and state news, political coverage, Olympics coverage, and a visitor's guide to Indianapolis.

Jerusalem Post

The Internet edition of the Jerusalem Post. Access to news, business, features, sports, tourism sections and more. Includes graphics.

Kamloops Daily News—Online

A Canadian-based online newspaper with features such as local news, sports, weather, business, opinion page, and more.

Knoxville News Sentinel

Knoxville, Tennessee newspaper with links to headlines and features stories, sports, news, weather, classifieds, and more. Includes graphics.

Maui News

The Maui News is a local newspaper featuring news, entertainment, classifieds, features, weather, and other sections of the newspaper. The site also features a link to "Maui County at a Glance."

Money & Investing Update—Welcome

The Wall Street Journal online. A free subscription enables business surfers access the daily Wall Street Journal.

Newspaper/Diario LA NACION—San Jose, Costa Rica

Presents news in Spanish. La Nacion, the largest newspaper in Costa Rica, provides news and information of Central America and the world.

Newsshare Corporation

Supplies interactive media products to newspapers, broadcasters, and the public.

Personal Technology Home Page

Features the personal technology section from The Wall Street Journal. Provides information related to technology and contains archival data.

Private Eye

Provides online site for the Private Eye newspaper based in London, England. Includes samples of the papers articles and artwork. Also includes subscription information. This paper is similar to the National Enquirer, hence, it is good fun.

Providence Business News

Provides online site for the Providence Business News. Includes resources, circulation, past issues, and a search index. Also includes subscription information.

Southam, Inc.

Provides home site and information about Southam Inc., which publishes 17 daily newspapers, 33 weekly newspapers, along with magazines and new media in Canada. Includes corporate profile, trade show appearance dates, new media services offered, and links to Southam's various newspapers and magazines.

St. Petersburg Press Home Page

English language weekly newspaper from St. Petersburg, Russia. Covers news, business news, commentary, culture, and classifieds.

Stanford Daily Home Page

Provides a good example of daily newspapers available on the Internet. Contains news and information.

Sydney Morning Herald

Provides home site and online version of the Syndey Morning Herald. Includes stories, advertising information, and various features for this Syndey, Australia paper.


MIT bi-weekly student newspaper. Provides articles, including national news wires.

Telluride Times-Journal

Provides online site for the Telluride Times-Journal from Telluride, Colorado. Includes online version of the paper and subscription information.

Times Higher Education Supplement

Provides home site and online supplement for the Times Higher Education newspaper from the United Kingdom. Includes stories and features dealing with higher education and career opportunities.

Vocal Point

High school newspaper online. Offers monthly news from a teen's perspective.

Wall Street Journal Link

Provides an online advertising directory of The Wall Street Journal. Contains links to advertiser Web sites and e-mail addresses.

Welcome to USA TODAY

USA Today online. Features headlines, subscription information, and daily news reports.


Academic Press

Offers information about their new publications and insight into future releases. Also has a book catalog and textbook shop. Features direct contact to their customer service.

Addison Wesley

Provides information about the publishing company and the published titles. Also offers information about other publishing houses affiliated with Addison Wesley.

Albion Books

Provides information and background about the San Francisco-based computer book and online service publisher. Includes calendar of events, author chats, novel discussions, and a handy channel programming guide to all services and related sites.


Home site for electronic automotive repair publisher. Provides locations of Alldata repair shops, automotive chat room, recall notices, and technical service bulletin titles for vehicles. Also includes corporation background, employment opportunities with Alldata, and an extensive link sheet to various automotive sites.

Association of American University Presses

Features an index of university presses and includes a searchable index of books.

Astrology et al Bookstore

Largest U.S. astrology and metaphysical bookstore. Search the online catalog and place orders online.

Audiobook Source

Audiobooks online. Enables you to search the catalog and place orders for more then 7,000 titles. Holds monthly specials and has sale items.

Baltzer Science Publishers

Publishes scientific journals and related books. Provides catalog of journals, ordering information, and author submission guidelines.

BDD: Home Page

Bantam Doubleday Dell online. Features intimate visits with authors, information about new books, and a daily horoscope.

Beach Holme Publishing

Provides company background, author biographies, bookseller information, and submission guidelines for this Canadian publisher. Beach Holme publishes books in many areas from fiction to children's books. Includes Swiftsure online magazine and spiritual titles.

Bioenergetics Press

Publishes books about men's and gender issues. Provides samples of their books, a catalog of tapes and books available, and ordering information. Includes links to sites and newsgroups that deal with men's issues.

Blackwell Science

Publishes medical and scientific journals and books. Provides company news, catalog, upcoming publications information, and service listings of their products. Includes links to all of Blackwell Science's sites world wide.

Blue Heron Publishing

Provides company profile, catalog, author background, and submissions guidelines for Blue Heron Publishing. Publishes fiction and nonfiction books for adults, and children. Catalog also includes information titles for writers, librarians, and teachers.

Book Stacks Home Page

Online bookstore. Includes the Book Cafe and a virtual coffee shop in where literary discussion occurs.


U.K.-based Book Industry Communications home page that provides links to over 100 publishers and numerous links with booksellers, library suppliers, and service suppliers. A very valuable site for anyone doing business or research on United Kingdom publishers and book industry.

BookWire—The First Place To Look for Book Information

Includes indices of book and publishing-related sites, a reading room, the comic of the day, best seller lists, and book reviews.


BookZone, "the Internet source for extraordinary books," enables you to learn more about and order books directly from publishers. Includes works from small, medium-size, and alternative publishers whose works you don't always find in the typical bookstore.

Borders Books and Music

Enables you to search for books and then order them from Borders' large selection of books and magazines. Also provides a list of store locations and enables you to browse their titles.

BradyGAMES Home Page

Includes a combination of strategies, how-to information, game background, editorial content, valuable "inside" information, interviews with game creators, and more.

BRP Publications, Inc.

Provides access to selected articles from more than 20 newsletters that cover the fields of telecommunications, multimedia, data networking, technology, and human resources.

Cambridge University Press

Features information about the publisher and it's different publications. Offers ordering and contact information and other online services.

Carswell Publishing

Publishes professional books, pamphlets, electronic media, catalogs, and other documents for the legal, medical, banking and corporate fields. Provides company history, services offered, listings of published items, clients served, and additional product information.

Catalogue Index


Offers multimedia developer books and resources for purchasing them.

CatchWord Ltd

Publishes and republishes scholarly journals from the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom on the Internet. Provides full books with the ability to search through text by subscription or payment per page basis. Includes links to CatchWord sites across the globe.

ChemTech Publishing

Publishes journals, books and software that deal with the chemical polymers industry. Provides full catalog of products offered and links to related sites. Includes submission guidelines and ordering information.


Online book and publisher. Focuses on dissolving depression.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Publishes scholarly journals, books, manuals, and videotapes. Topics covered include biology, genetics, neurobiology, and closely related sciences. Includes information for publishing proposals.

Colorado Independent Publisher's Association

Provides Web site to members' sites by book title, subject, or by publishers. Includes contact and membership information. Also includes small publishing links.

Conari Press

Provides home site for Conari Press. Includes company catalog with cover art and book descriptions. Produces self-spirituality and emotional exploration books. Includes mailing list and ordering information.

Coteau Books

Provides home site for Coteau Books, a small literary house based out of Saskatchewan, Canada that produces fiction and nonfiction. Includes new upcoming titles, company catalog, and information about Coteau's Men by Men and Women's Work lines. Also includes recommended links and ordering information.

Creative Virtue Press

Provides home site for Creative Virtue Press, which features technology based philosophical writings. Catalog includes both nonfiction and fiction that is specifically aimed at the study of the future and next directions. Also provides book and author backgrounds with ordering information.

Doody Publishing, Inc.

Produces "Doodie's Health Sciences Book Review" and home page that covers the health science industry. Also produces other titles that cover the health industry. Includes submissions guidelines, reviews, company profile, and purchasing information. Also includes directories of publishers, and other health science Web pages.

Drama Book Publishers

Publishes plays, musicals and other theater projects. Includes new electronic publishing and CD-ROMs. Provides company catalog and related-theater links.

Dream Garden Press

Provides home site for Dream Garden Press based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Specializes in regional-themed books about Utah and the American West. Includes company catalog, upcoming titles, and ordering information.

East View Publications, Inc. Home Page

Offers books, magazines, CDs, maps, microforms and newspapers published in Central Europe, the CIS, and former Soviet Union. Offers online delivery of newspapers.

Editorial Experts, Inc. (EEI)

Provides design, editorial, and production services along with publishing style and usage texts. Includes service listings, technologies utilized, work examples, and a catalog of texts created. Also includes contact information and company profile.

Elsevier Science—Home Page

Contains extensive information about publishing. Includes books about writing and publishing.

Harper Collins Publishers Home Page

Harper Collins online. Includes information about best sellers, new releases, and an online bookstore.

Harvard Advocate Home Page

Venerable literary site on the net from Harvard. Offers many links to other online literary resources.

Hayden Books

Hayden Books online. Publishes Adobe Press Books as well as books that focus on Macintosh computers and Macintosh programs. Features a Macintosh tip of the day.


An England-based publishing house devoted to being a fore runner in the industry through Internet service, publications, and commitment to the community.

Hodder & Stoughton

A book publishing company advertising for the first time on the net. Their latest publication is BEING DIGITAL, a book about the Net. The company publishes books in the UK, everything from children's literature to adult fiction and nonfiction.

Houghton Mifflin Company

Houghton Mifflin Company online. Publishes educational books and materials for elementary through college levels. Includes links to subsidiaries.

IDG Books

Computer book publisher featuring information about their current titles and previews of future ones.


Monkeywrench Press online. Caters to the anarchist in all of us. Features information about authors and current books.

Information Superlibrary

Macmillan Publishing presents this site as a resource to the many computer books it publishes. Provides information on books published by Que, SAMS, New Riders, Brady, The Waite Group, and Hayden, and enables you to review sample chapters of the latest computer books and order online. Enables you to subscribe to The SuperLibrary Newsletter, a monthly that offers a wide variety of articles and features. Contains hundreds of Macmillan programs and software packages.

Internet Book Fair: Publishers Index

Features several different guides to publishers on the Internet. Allows for searching through different categories and indexes or conducting a search by name or keyword. Makes for easy access to many publishing houses.

Internet Road Map to Books

A great site for anyone interested in books. Provides links to many major publishers, booksellers, and online editions of books. Also provides links to bibliographies, bestsellers lists, and news about books and the publishing industry. This is a site to bookmark for anyone who loves to read or works in the publishing industry.

IPL Books

An Internet library, complete with information about books and authors in specific genres. Concentrates on children's literature, comics, horror, nonfiction, and romance.

Jacobs Publishing, Ltd.

An electronic book publisher featuring authors Katharine Kerr and Kevin J. Anderson. Author information is provided.

Karoma Publishers

Technical publishers and developers for your business needs. Get your Guide to EDI and International Electronic Trading, links to what's new, learn how to showcase your company.

Koinonia House

Christian book publisher online. Includes information about books and magazines and offers links to other Christian sites on the Internet.

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but no newspapers.

Thomas Jefferson

Kraken Press, Titles

Considered a "last resort" publisher by some, admittedly by the publisher and primary author himself. Publisher of novels, poetry, children's books and more.

M.E. Sharpe

A book and journal publisher specializing in the areas of Asian and Russian studies, economics, history and political science. Browse their book listing, which include the following categories: anthropology, business, education, health journalism, legal studies, literature, philosophy, religion, and much more. Ordering information and manuscript submission guidelines included.

Manic D Press

Smaller publishing house dealing with books and comics. Features online ordering and a listing of bookstores carrying their works.

MIT Press

Offers an online bookstore, search information, journals and textbook information. Also features sale items and links to other sites of interest. Gives previews to new and future releases.

Multimedia Newsstand home

Offers a collection of subscription information and forms for more than 500 magazines, books, and videos. Also contains a number of different contests sponsored by the various magazines.

Natural History Book Service Home Page

British online bookstore. Focuses on natural history, books on environmental issues, and science books. Provides information in English, Spanish, Italian and German.

New Riders Publishing

New Riders concentrates on staying current and delivering the necessary depth and breadth of computer-related information—all in a timely fashion. Stay ahead of the game, and check out our Web site for the latest information on the hottest computer topics—from networking and AutoCAD to communications/Internet and multimedia/graphics.

Nomad Press

If you're interested in going to "paperless publishing," then check out the e-book Sampler. Links to publishing and writing resources, and electronic publishing services.

Online Islamic Bookstore Home Page

Online bookstore. Features Islamic books, music, and CD-ROMs. Offers online ordering.

O'Reilly Home Page

Acts as a source for computer books about topics such as UNIX, TCP/IP, and the Internet.

Oxford University Press

Features information about Oxford university Press and it's publications. Also includes previews of future titles and links to other Oxford University Press Web sites.

Para Publishing

Provides home site for Para Publishing, which specializes in skydiving and parachute texts. Includes Para catalog, ordering information, and links to other skydiving sites. Also includes information and links about small press publishing.

Peachpit Press

Provides home page and online ordering for Peachpit Press. Specializes in computer books from personal PC use to online communication service books. Includes indexed catalog, author background, upcoming titles and discussion forums.

Penguin USA

Features sections devoted to new titles, a complete reading room, academic books, electronic publishing, and information about Penguin Books.

PennWell Publishing Company

Produces a wide array of magazines, books, newsletters, and trade journals that cover many industries including petroleum, electric utlities, computers, communications, and information technologies. Includes complete company catalog indexed by industry, ordering, and contact information.


Burrelle's Transcripts, a leading transcription company for more than 20 years, provides transcripts and, where indicated, videotapes, of more than 75 news, public affairs, health, and talk shows.

Prentice Hall Home Page

Publishes college textbooks and technical books. Offers Prentice Hall's online catalog of books and information, as well as links to their Gopher site and to fun Internet sites, including other Viacom sites. Contains a searchable database by title, author, ISBN number and subject.

Publishers' Catalogues Home Page

Provides a listing of publishers from all over the world and their home pages, indexed by country.

Putnam Berkley Online

Provides home site for Putnam Berkley and their related imprints. Includes featured books and a search index of all titles published. Also includes author profiles, book samples, and ordering information

Que's Home Page

QUE publishes books on every major category of personal computer technology, from end-user applications to programming languages, from the Internet to new hardware and software technologies. The home page provides information about the technology you've come to depend on, and explains how you can gain access to QUE computer books.

Random House

Features a smattering of information, but includes the Del Rey Books (science fiction and fantasy) home page and the Knopf Publishing Group's home page.

Reed Interactive

Provides home site for Reed Educational Publishing and imprints. Site is still under construction. Provides contact information.

Resolution Business Press

Publishes books dealing with the Internet. Includes company catalog, book descriptions, cover art, and ordering information. Also provides links to many family oriented sites on the WWW.

Saint Mary's Press

Publishes Christian religious texts and related books for English and Spanish markets. Includes indexed catalog and links to other religious sites. Provides resources and contact information.

SAMS Home Page

Sams Publishing online. Produces professional references on computer topics. Specializes in programming books. Also features recent titles on emerging technologies. Contains advertising information, a searchable database and software library.

Sapphire Press UNCAT

UNCAT is a catalog of uncataloged titles like trade papers, pamphlets, government agency reports, self-published titles, video and audio cassettes. Includes company and UNCAT background. Provides search index and contact information.

Shogakukan Home Page

Shogakukan publishes magazines for children, comic magazines, weeklies, dictionaries, encyclopedia, and art books. Features Japanese links, books, and magazines. Provides English and Japanese language versions.

Software Net Product Menu

Enables you to order desktop publishing and graphics software online.


Publishing house devoted to scientific, medical, and technical writings. Features press releases, catalogs, and samples of different works. Also contains links to its national Web sites.

Straight Line Medium, Inc.

Produces destination CD-ROMs. Includes titles about Caribbean travel and destinations. Provides title background and ordering information.

Time Life Explorer

Contains a visual database of all the Time-Life products. Enables you to browse and order products.

Times Mirror Higher Education Group

Publishes printed and multimedia educational products for businesses and schools. Includes online catalog broken down into various imprints and background information. Also provides site search index and complementary copy request forms.

Tor SF and Fantasy

TOR online. Publishes science fiction and fantasy books. Includes links to other science fiction and fantasy sites on the Web, offers a browseable database of books, and allows online ordering.

W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Provides home site, online catalog, and ordering information for W.W. Norton & Company publishing. Includes a complete catalog indexed and broken down by publishing imprints. Also includes featured books, author profiles, company history, and signing appearance dates.

Web Art Publishing

Web site publishers devoted to high-quality page production and publishing. Offers information about their services and price structure.

Wellsweep Press

Publishes literature translated from Chinese. Includes company catalog, book descriptions, sample poems, and ordering information.

West Publishing

West Publishing online, a legal and educational publisher. Includes information on their products. Enables you to use West's Legal Directory to find a lawyer, law firm, or corporate or governmental lawyer located in the United States or Canada.


Publishing house that develops, publishes and sells both printed and electronic media for educational, professional, scientific, technical, and consumer uses. Features information about the company, press releases, worldwide links, and online products and services.

WWW VL Electronic Journals List: Publishers

Complete listing to publishing companies. Contains listing by: academic, computer, science and technology, electronic and other commercial publishing companies. Also allows for searching.


Amateur Radio Books and Open Repeater Database

Produces amateur radio books, including Radio Modifications, Repeater Mapbook, cartoon license manuals, frequency guides, and reference manuals.

Chris Smolinski's Radio Page

Provides information (and links to other pages with similar information) about short-wave and amateur radio.

Deutche Welle Radio & TV—English Home Page

Provides online program schedules and news and other reports.


Scanner and associated equipment distributor in the United Kingdom. Producer and publisher of the "Airband Guide." Links to products and purchase information and other related sites.

NPR Online

National Public Radio online. Provides information about NPR and other topics. Includes audio version of daily noon news casts, transcripts of other programs, and in-depth looks at current events.

Old Time Radio (OTR) WWW Page

Focuses on radio programs from "radio's golden age." Contains pointers to many entertaining and educational areas for fans of nostalgic radio shows.

Radio HK

Honk Kong Radio. Broadcasts exclusively into the Internet, real-time and nonstop. Provides information in addition to the real-time radio broadcasts.


Provides information about Japanese radio. Includes transmission maps and program schedules.

Radio Prague

Radio Prague provides information about radio programming and offers audio broadcasts of radio programs.

RadioWorld Europe

Includes a listing of radio stations in Europe that are online. Also includes a listing of radio networks in Europe.


Radio show heard across Canada. Includes music and guests. Features a great deal of RealAudio.

Thistle and Shamrock Stations List at the Ceolas Archive

Provides a list of stations arranged alphabetically by state and city. Broadcasts a popular Celtic music radio program on National Public Radio. Includes broadcast times.

Voice of America FTP Server

For 54 years, the Voice of America has earned the reputation of providing up-to-the-minute, accurate and balanced news, features, and music to its international audience. VOA provides millions of listeners from every race, religion, and walk of life with trustworthy, reliable, and comprehensive news of events in the United States, and their own countries, and the diverse world beyond their borders. It also offers practical information about how to build and maintain new democracies and free market economies. This site contains sound clips from VOA programs, info, and much more.

Welcome to BBC Radio

BBC Radio online. Contains information about program schedules and information about specific programs carried on the BBC radio network.

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